Monday, June 13, 2011

Good braking techniques are the key to quick lap times

Concentrating on your braking techniques can allow you to make up lots of ground on the rider in front of you. Good braking techniques and cornering skills will help you make up positions during a motocross race but so many riders aren't confident using their brakes to their full potential.

The front brake on a motocross bike provides about 70% of your stopping power but riders get nervous about the front end washing out. The rear brake doesn't provide as much stopping power but is effective in keeping the bike stable whilst braking.
When braking you should be in the attack position gripping the bike with your knees, particularly when the braking area is rough, to allow you to keep control and take some strain off your arms and shoulders.

When approaching a smooth corner under brakes your weight should be back on the bike to stop the rear wheel from lifting. If the corner has large braking bumps (usually the case on sandy motocross tracks) then centralise your weight to allow the bike to rock underneath you over the bumps. If the corner is off camber, move your weight forward to weight the front wheel to prevent it from washing out.

Here are a couple of exercises to help you practise your braking techniques.

Pick a flat area with consistent traction and while moving slowly in first gear gradually apply the front brake until the front wheel starts to lock. You will need to increase the throttle to stop the bike from stalling. As the front wheel starts to lock, release the brake then repeat the exercise. This will get you familiar with the feeling of the front wheel locking so you can brake to the point of maximum traction without locking the wheel and washing the front out.

Another exercise is to get four witchs hats or markers and lay out a large rectangle. As you approach the end of the rectangle, lock the rear wheel and skid steer the bike around without putting your feet down. Use good clutch control to avoid stalling the bike and as the rear end of the bike comes around smoothly release the clutch and move up to the other end of the rectangle to repeat the exercise.

With regular practise you will greatly improve your braking techniques and combined with good cornering skills you'll be much faster overall.

click here to open [video tips]

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